Frieze London 2022
Frieze London and Frieze Masters are supporting three brilliant projects. Scroll down to vote on who should get their support and learn more about each of the projects
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These three inspirational projects need your support. Donate now to help them continue their planet-saving sustainability work.
Frieze Projects
Three inspirational projects. Learn more about them, choose your favourite, and support them directly.

InterEarth is a unique project harnessing advanced carbon removal; launching and scaling such technologies is a crucial component in keeping global warming to 1.5C. This novel approach to carbon removal uses the best process that exists for removing carbon from the air – trees; and enhances it. The biomass is actually returned underground – reverse mining! This locks the carbon safely away for hundreds or thousands of years.
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Regreening - Rainwater Harvesting – Water Bunds (Earth Smiles)
Nature-based solutions are now recognised as a key element of tackling climate change. Justdiggit, restores desertified, dry land using proven techniques including rainwater harvesting (digging bunds, or ‘earth smiles’).
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Kelp restoration Sussex, England
The Sussex Kelp Restoration Project, has launched to restore almost 200 square kilometres of lost kelp forest along the coast of Sussex. Healthy kelp forests are vital as well as visually stunning – kelp supports a biodiversity rich habitat and is fast-growing, so sequesters carbon at many times the rate of land-based trees.
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