Pinwheel funds the world’s most effective environmental and biodiversity projects

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Explore the Pinwheel portfolio, be inspired by the stories of the highest impact environmental and biodiversity projects on the planet.

An image of Greenhouse Gas Destruction

Greenhouse Gas Destruction

Collection and destruction of refrigerants and potent non-CO2 greenhouse gases (GHGs)

An image of Capping Methane Leaks

Capping Methane Leaks

Capping methane emissions by finding and plugging leaking orphaned oil and gas wells.

An image of Carbon Removal in Building Materials

Carbon Capture in Building Materials

Converting CO₂ into solid building materials through accelerated carbonation

An image of UNDO Enhanced Rock Weathering – Canada

Enhanced Rock Weathering-Canada

A nature-based carbon removal technology that permanently locks away CO₂

Ontario, Canada
An image of UNDO Enhanced Rock Weathering – UK

UNDO Enhanced Rock Weathering

A nature-based carbon removal technology that permanently locks away CO₂

An image of Water purification with Solar WADI devices in India

Water purification with Solar

Distributing solar water distillation devices providing access to safe drinking water

Madhya Pradesh, India
An image of Restoring and protecting coral reefs with REEFolution

Restoring and protecting coral reefs

Restoring and protecting coral reefs with REEFolution

Shimoni, Kenya
An image of Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement

Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement

Independent research of Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement

An image of Coral reef ecosystem recovery

Coral reef ecosystem recovery

Coral reefs provide a habitat for 25% of global marine biodiversity

Kilifi county, Kenya
An image of Exclusive: The Eden Project's Jaguar and wildlife survey Costa Rica

Jaguar and wildlife survey Costa Rica

Wildlife survey with motion activated cameras for conservation in Nicoya, Costa Rica

Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica
An image of Seagrass conservation, Global

Seagrass conservation

Securing a future for seagrass, for people, planet and biodiversity.

An image of Native oyster and seagrass restoration - Scotland

Oyster & seagrass restoration

Seawilding - a community-led native oyster and seagrass restoration project

An image of Peatland Restoration

Peatland Restoration

Peatland restoration in Valley of the Black Creek, Belgium

Belgium, EU
An image of Regreening - Rainwater Harvesting – Water Bunds (Earth Smiles)

Rainwater harvesting - bunds

Restoring desertified, dry land using techniques including rainwater harvesting

Kenya, Africa
An image of Regreening - Treecovery, Restoring Trees In Tanzania

Regreening - FMNR

Intervening to help trees previously cut down with viable roots re-grow into trees

Tanzania, Africa
An image of Agricultural biomass sequestration

Agricultural sequestration

Sequestering carbon by storing bio-oil converted from agricultural waste, underground

San Francisco, USA
An image of Aperam BioEnergia Biochar - Brazil

Aperam BioEnergia Biochar

Biochar project in Brazil, removing carbon and benefitting the soil and communities

An image of Combat Elephant Poaching in Africa

Combat Elephant Poaching in Africa

Supporting female rangers stop poaching of elephants in Africa

An image of Coral Restoration

Coral Restoration - Malaysia

The creation of artificial reefs to reverse coral loss and create ecological habitats

An image of E-waste collection & recycling

E-waste collection & recycling

Working with local people & partners to collect scrap phones in African countries

Across Africa