Podcasts hosted by Pinwheel
Sustainability in 2025 The briefing
What were the key trends that defined sustainability as we exited 2024? What are the big themes in climate and sustainability likely to be in 2025?
23 Jan 2025 at 00:00
Delivering ROI by engaging staff with sustainability investments
For Earth Day 2024, HH used the Pinwheel platform to engage their global workforce with the world’s most impactful climate and nature projects from the Pinwheel portfolio. Keen to create a blueprint that others could follow, they engaged King’s College London Business School to inform the campaign and measure its success.
19 Nov 2024 at 13:00
The Rise of the Chief Sustainability Officer
The life of a sustainability leader is complex and fast changing. With ever-increasing demands - from clients and regulators, to prospective and existing staff - it is vital that the sustainability function is built with care. Underpinned by research from Hedley May, we heard from leading experts - Harry Friend (Hedley May), Illana Adamson (Be Better Sustainability), Rob Colmer (Aston Martin) and Jaclyn Kaminski (VP Sustainability) on how to get the best out of a sustainability function.
29 Apr 2024 at 14:00
The psychology of sustainability
During this webinar Patrick Fagan and Dan Thwaites, co-founders at Capuchin Behavioural Science, explain the science behind sustainability behaviour: -The say-versus-do gap and ten planet-saving nudges which beat it -BRAINWASH for good: disrupting old habits and creating new ones -How to persuade even the unpersuadables ...And how a squirrel 🐿️ reduced littering by 45%
15 Feb 2024 at 15:00
The Contribution approach and how it is different to carbon offsetting
In this seminar thought leaders from the WWF, Gold Standard and Carbon Market Watch join Pinwheel to explore: what is the contribution approach? How is it different to carbon offsetting? How can we use it to generate vital climate and biodiversity funds for the planet and ensure brands are rewarded for doing the right thing?
13 Sept 2023 at 14:00
The carbon offsetting scandal: Pinwheel in conversation with Patrick Greenfield (Guardian, Observer)
Join Pinwheel in an exclusive fireside chat with Patrick Greenfield, the Guardian journalist who broke the carbon offsetting scandal and who has been at the forefront of investigative journalism into the voluntary carbon markets, corporate claims and advertising regulation.
20 Jul 2023 at 14:00
The ASA in conversation with Pinwheel: navigating offsetting, greenwashing and advertising claims
Join advertising legend Rupert Howell in a fireside chat with Miles Lockwood, Director of Complaints and Investigations at the ASA, to learn more about how advertising regulators are working to protect consumers against misleading sustainability claims.
4 Jul 2023 at 14:00