Bird Conservation Korea
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The Scaly-sided Merganser is confined to East Asia. In summer, they nest in remote river-forest shared with the Siberian Tiger; in winter, they migrate south to rivers in Korea and eastern China. “Scalies” have a population in the low thousands and are assessed by the IUCN as Endangered, meaning they face “a very high risk of extinction in the wild”. Birds Korea works for the conservation of all birds and their habitats on the Korean Peninsula. They conduct surveys; identify threats; and propose practical conservation solutions.
Why did we choose this project?
The survival of the Scaly-sided Merganser depends on the health of rivers. Conserving this species therefore requires conserving the best rivers which are vital to the well-being of many other species, including people. Changes in populations of birds often reveal changes in the health of wetlands and forests, and make visible the realities of climate change. Birds Korea identify ways in which local communities can genuinely benefit from conservation, be it through eco-tourism, local branding or subsidy support, as well as in helping build local pride.
Star fact
Birds eat 400-500 million tons of insects a year providing biological control. Birds are so efficient that nest boxes have become a pest control practice throughout Europe.
UN Sustainability Goals

Busan, South Korea