Tradewater images

Greenhouse Gas Destruction


Purchase type

This project provides a verified carbon credit that can be retired on purchase.

Credit vintage


Verified by

American Carbon Registry


Central America
South Asia
Carbon removal
Waste recovery
Clean Tech
Carbon Credit
Costa Rica
Central America
Southeast Asia
South America
Non-CO2 greenhouse gases
Refrigerant destruction


Tradewater exists to improve the environment and create economic opportunity through the collection, control and destruction of refrigerants and halon fire suppressants that are potent non-CO2 greenhouse gases (GHGs). They also measure and plug abandoned and orphaned oil and gas wells that are leaking methane into the atmosphere. They have set themselves a goal to prevent the release of at least 3 million tons of CO2e to the atmosphere annually. This collective activity is essential work in the prevention of catastrophic climate change.

Why did we choose this project?

At a time when carbon offsets and the purchase of carbon credits are very rightly coming under scrutiny, Tradewater stands out as best-in-class; they are a highly credible organisation, working directly with projects to bring much needed immediate and permanent, high-quality carbon offset credits to market. There is no end-of-life solution for old refrigerants and uncontrolled methane releases, so Tradewater meet a very important and un-met need. Their credits are third-party verified and issued by the leading carbon registries, ACR and VERRA.

How does it work?

They conduct their work to collect forgotten greenhouse gases around the world, using a small-scale aggregation approach. The consistent focus on many small sources results in large and scalable impact. Tradewater has collected and destroyed over 1.39 million pounds of refrigerants and halons, from more than 21,000+ individuals and businesses, across 49 states in the US and 4 continents around the world.

Star fact

Refrigerants and methane contributed to nearly 40% of global warming since 1750

UN Sustainability Goals

03 Good Health and Well-being08 Decent Work and Economic Growth09 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure12 Responsible Consumption and Production13 Climate Action

Verified by Pinwheel

5 May 2023


Thailand, Costa Rica, Chile, USA, Saudi Arabia

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